Part  1

  Account Setup Information

Your company name

Costco membership number
Your full name
Your e-mail address
Company phone number
Your company URL ( web site address )
Billing  address with your ZIP/Postal code

Shipping  address with your ZIP/Postal code


Same as billing address


Part  2

  Your Company Information / Creative Questions
Note: Your answers to the questions below are a starting point. Our designers will add their own creative flare and ideas as well.

Exact company name for logo design

Please provide a detailed description of your company, products or service and why it is unique.  



Who is your target audience? Describe the types of customers you want to attract.
This will help us narrow down the look and feel of your initial logo design concepts.



Give us some of your design ideas:
Describe some ideas you have in mind for your logo design, or features that you DO NOT wish integrated into your logo:


How will you be using your logo design?
  Website / Web Animation Stationery Signage Promotional Items  





Close your eyes and think about your new logo design, tell us what you have envisioned.
This will help our designers develop a solid creative direction for your initial concepts.

Are there any additional comments that you would like to share with our design team before they begin your brainstorm session?  

Part  3

  Color Selection - Select 1 to 4 colors you would like to see used in your logo design.

Our Suggestion:
Stick to 2 colors that best represent your business. This will keep your logo simple and reduce printing costs.
Our design team will use this as a starting point. We will also give you logo concepts with colors we feel works best.

choose red

choose orange

choose yellow

choose gold

choose green

choose blue
choose purple

choose brown

choose pink

choose grey

choose black
and white

Part  4

  Font Selection

Our design team will use this as a starting point. We will also give you logo concepts with fonts we feel would appeal to your target market and best  represent your business image.



type font



type font



 type font


type font

Copyright 2015. Safeguard

All sample logos, images and graphics that appear on the site are property of Safeguard.